1. Flame Type: Multi-functional cigar lighters usually come with either a single flame or multiple flames. Single flame lighters tend to offer more precision when lighting cigars, while multiple flame lighters can provide a larger and more even flame.
2. Fuel Type: Most cigar lighters use either butane or propane as their fuel source. Butane is a common choice as it produces a clean and odorless flame. Ensure that the lighter has a reliable fuel tank that is easy to refill.
3. Build Quality: Look for lighters that are well-constructed and durable. Consider the materials used, such as metal casings or high-quality plastics, to ensure longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
4. Functionality: Multi-functional cigar lighters may include additional features like a built-in punch cutter, cigar rest, fuel level indicator, or even a built-in cigar punch. Assess the extra functions and determine if they align with your preferences and requirements.
5. Ease of Use: Consider factors such as ignition mechanism (push-button, flip-top, or torch-style), ease of refilling, and overall usability. A reliable and user-friendly lighter can enhance your cigar-smoking experience.